Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why Can't A Woman Ask

I was having a discussion today with one of the best men I know. I randomly told him that I feel that black women in this generation are not as bad off as we think. In fact, we are not as scarred as we think. We have been one of the most privileged group of all time. For those of us who aren't we have taken that to shape us into better women.

Today's young black woman gets angry about lack of child support, men being dogs, etc. Yet, we are not realizing that we are strong enough to handle all of these things on our own. We are strong women whose mothers and grandmothers paved the way for us. Those women understood what it was like to have to walk in the back door, be stay at home moms and make it work off of $100 monthly if that. We really don't have it so bad, but if there is a problem we swear up and down that it's the black man's fault. And then, we will see one that we think is a good one we will damned near walk around the building because we know he's attractive but we don't wanna ask him out.

LADIES! You can walk right up to a man, introduce yourself and ask for his number. It's 2008. I think the men would appreciate it they have to deal with facing rejection far more than we ever have. Think about it, all you have to do is look half decent and you will get holla'ed at no matter what.

Think about might find the man of your dreams this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Slim Jackson, and I support this message.