Wednesday, September 3, 2008

No One is Writing Your Life

So, to those who actually know me you all know that I love to read. I will read anything, but I loooove black urban fiction. Yep-Carl Weber, Rochelle Alers, Zane...any of them I don't care as long as it's about black people.

This week I have already read two books and I think that black women reading these books is bringing about the demise of the black relationship. Yep! I said it and here's why:

As teenagers we treat relationships like they are fairy tales. We think everything should be roses, clouds and laughter. Then we hit the real world and we realize sometimes the sh*t just don't work. Sometimes she won't clean up or he won't bring his check home. So you got a dirty house, I look a mess and you're hungry. Ain't nobody happy.

So I was reading this book by Rochelle Alers where the woman says let's just be friends with benefits (do we ever say that?) and the man who after 35 years ain't loved nobody starts to love her. Now I predict women reading this damned book and thinking this will work for them.

NEWSFLASH!!!! You're f*cking over yourself.

Then I read Carl Weber's Married Men earlier in the summer. This woman told this man she wanted 80% of his income because of a picture (enhanced of course) which made it look as though he was cheating. It worked a minute. The judge wanted to say what the hell is wrong with both you (for fictitious effect it didn't happen). Ladies you cannot just demand a man give you all his damned money-it don't work like that. And if you this day and age either you'll end up on Snapped or he'll end up on Forensic Files.

All I'm saying is it just doesn't work. Real relationships don't exist in the manner these do. There's not always going to be someone running down the street trying to get you to come back, sometimes they're just gonna let your ass leave and then pray you don't come back.

Just my opinion.

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