Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Girl, Gimme Dat...

So over over on SBM there's a commenter's discussion going on about what it takes to get a woman to give it up.

I was thinking to myself...what does it take for someone to get it...

Well I came up with just a few things for one, I like a man who touches me ALOT.

Then can I get someone who rubs me, bathes me, lotions me.

Treat me like I mean a little something to you and I'm all yours. And it's weird because it can 't just be anyone doing anything. It has to be the right man with that swagger, that confidence...that bomb sh*t. Yep I know some of the women know what I'm talking about.


Dave Van Buren said...

lol.. That's the least a dude can do. Girls give it up for far less though.

Anonymous said...

"It has to be the right man with that swagger, that confidence...that bomb sh*t."

Yes I know. Lately though I haven't been meeting any brothers who has it like that.

JEM said...

@Confession-You're right. They are waning.

@Super-Yep. For a happy mean, but not this chick!