Monday, August 25, 2008

Exactly Why You Should Wait....

If you’re 13, 14, 15 and you have sex, this is not gourmet stuff. Nobody’s buying you a bottle of wine and candlelight and putting some romantic music on. No, you’re in the clothes closet or down near the dryer or dishwasher saying, ‘Hurry up before my mother comes home.’ That’s why you don’t know the boy’s name.
- Bill Cosby

Now I wasn't even really gonna say anything but when I read this just came to me. Somebody somewhere needs to do something. Young women are going to die and we're killing ourselves for love. Young women in this 13, 14, 15 year old category are going to die of HIV because they don't know any better. No one is teaching them to watch out for themselves, to have some self-esteem or to know their worth. Some of them have mothers and fathers in jail, while others have fathers who walked out or never knew they existed and still yet there are some with mothers who are tricking in the street because they never learned better.

It saddens me. While I am young, I know what it's like to be wined and dined. I know every man I've been with, what he does for a living and in some cases his Social Security Number. Yes, I've got it down to a fine art.

I digress.

Anyways...sometime I look at soon to be 14 year old cousin and I want to scream because I know I can stop her from having to face pain and heartache and she doesn't even know. Hell, I'm still swallowing those big girl pills. It's just so damned difficult. With an alarming rate of men going to jail, coming out with a trade and going back to his rural (non HIV educated) community and spreading himself around (because he can make money thus telling women no condom) we are rampantly being infected and bearing infected children.

What can be done about this problem? Does anyone think Obama, as the first black president, can try to band-aid the AIDS crisis in Black America?

1 comment:

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I do think Obama can make more of an impact indeed. I guess we will find out when he is elected :)