Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Down Low Brothers and Their Affect On the Community

I have always known that gay black men were out there. I have always done my best to stay away from them but it's hard to do that when they seem to be everywhere. They seem to have varying ways of infiltrating all forms of society. Just yesterday I met two down low black men. Both of them told me that it appeared I would be comfortable with their behavior and bi-curious ways. The first one I quickly dismissed the second one I took the time to listen and I learned for one, there's nothing wrong with women, it's just like an itch or a need that they feel the need to pay attention. I wonder if there's a common link here. Is it that they feel a need to be dominated? Has society made these men feel as though they need to do more to feel love.

Furthermore, the bisexual thing is also catching me off guard. It's not enough to have a woman, but you also need a man AND some of them want these men to come into their marriages. Are you serious?!?!!?!? If my husband, boyfriend, friends with benefits, whatever told me that he wanted to bring another woman in my bed I'd raise an eyebrow, but another man!?!? And for his pleasure? Somebody definitely has lost their minds.

In this day and age of cheating, lying and broken marriages don't we already have enough to deal with...notwithstanding the high AIDS rates. No wonder HIV is running rampant through the black community from babies to teens to even grandmothers you would think we would all take better care, yet sadly many women are just so glad to have a man on their arm who pays the bills that they will accept this behavior. Absolutely appalling.

For a taste of exactly how men are getting away with this click here.

And do you all think about this? Is this a fad? Is it going to be the downfall of the black community?

Tell me your thoughts.


Donteacia said...

Yeah that's that bullshit!

Oh and you double posted http, so your link isn't working.

JEM said...

That's the link.

Britt said...

I say no to both questions.

Fad - homosexuality has been around forever. Ceaser anyone? These men have homosexual tendencies, they just don't want to admit it for myriad reasons. It's nothing new, now we just have a label for it.

Downfall of the black community - we can't blame HIV on DL brothers. As women, especially those of us raised in the '90s, we know better. Make him wrap it up each and every time!!! You have know idea what he is doing when ya'll are not together.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

wow, I guess this is something I would never think about because I have been married for so long now. I imagine this could be a very dangerous life. Scary...

Lique said...

OMG, I want to cry. I just D.L. men could say exactly what they are without complicating things.

I really feel like these men can't face up to the truth. If people were to find out that they loved sleeping with men, then it might cause some conflict. At any rate, I just want the truth.

Theo said...

Brothers on the DL are most likely gay. As history shows, one subculture (black) looks to oppress another subculture (gay) and in this particular instance, unfortunately, these men are unable or unwilling to live an open, honest life due to fear of discrimination, rejection, or worse. It's a shame that they're cheating themselves out of the potential for true happiness, not to mention bringing unwitting wives, girlfriends, etc. along for the ride. We all need to accept responsibility for ourselves and our actions.