Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday, Monday

So today is going to be busier than I thought. I stayed in bed until the absolute last minute cause I didn't feel well. Anyways, now that I am up I realize I have a 4-7 page paper due before midnight, one to edit before tomorrow and some chapters that I need to read. I need to post on Blackboard, I need to update my resume. I want to relax. I want to sleep. I don't want to be sick. I want to frolic in the park. Now I think I really get my class that talks about woman-self and woman-being. My being is forced to do all this foolishness, while my self is chilling. I am starting to realize that I would like to live a life with a job, a husband and some kids. I think that would be ideal for me. I need to feel busy, obligated but not enslaved. Yep-that's me, I like to be busy and sort of tested just not stressed. I have good friends (except one or two toxic ones I might need to kick out and even that will come in time). I must say I miss the easy life of high school but mostly I think I just miss the people who helped me to grow into the woman I am today. Looking back on it all I realize that I was quiet, a non-fighter, and I did a whole lot of not standing up for myself. I let a lot of things slide. Now I am gonna tell you the truth. You're gonna hear in case you want to or not. It's not such a bad way to be. People are going to have to get that you have to show respect to other people. You can't just go around treating people any way you want.
Ok break time is over, so that's all for now. :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen sister- with u all day long on not standing up for yourself but know you are ready to sound off!!